Inviting Family, Friends to Visit U. S.

Many students wish to invite family or friends for a short visit to the U.S. The B-2 visitor visa is a good choice for visits of 6 months or fewer in duration. The most important aspects of the B-2 visa interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad are:

  • Applicant's demonstration of ties to the home country
  • Demonstration of the short duration of the trip
  • Dates of departure from and arrival to the home country
  • Ability to pay travel

As a student, you can assist your family member or friend by providing them with some of these documents. Others will be up to the visitor to prove or obtain.

Documentation Needed


  1. A letter of invitation written by YOU in English stating that you would like to invite the person for a visit. The letter should include:
    1. Full name of the visitor and their relationship to you
    2. The length of the visit
    3. Who will provide financial support for the visit (if it is you, provide evidence of support—see #4 below)
    4. The purpose of the visit, such as to attend graduation. See page 2 for an example letter.
  2. If the visit is to attend your graduation ceremony, you can obtain a letter from the Registrar’s office stating the date of your expected completion.
  3. Evidence of your student status such as a photocopy of your I-20/DS-2019 and a print out of your transcript, current enrollment from MyBLUE.
  4. If you will support the person’s visit financially, you should provide evidence of financial support (a bank statement, your employment letter, your sponsor’s letter, etc.)
    1. If you choose to send a bank statement, this document should show the history of the account so that it is made clear that the current balance is not the result of a recent, large deposit. Also include information about the date the account was opened and the average monthly balance.
    2. In lieu of a bank statement, you could submit Form I-134 Affidavit of Support. If your visitors will pay for their expenses themselves, you are not required to complete Form I-134.


  1. Application for the tourist (B-2) visa.
  2. Documents that show intent to return to the home country prior to the expiration of his or her authorized stay in the U.S. Examples of this can be:
    1. Proof of employment
    2. Proof of property or business ownership
    3. Bank accounts
    4. Family ties to home country