LoperLinks and Corq instructions

Loper Links Logo

Welcome to LoperLinks!

LoperLinks allows organizations to promote themselves, manage their rosters, publicize their events, keep a copy of their constitution, create registrations or other forms, hold elections, and keep track of service hours.

Questions? Contact Student Engagement, 308-865-8523, to schedule a walkthrough with your organization.

Website to bookmark: unk.campuslabs.com/engage/

To set up an organization’s page:

  • Go to LoperLinks
  • Sign in with your bet36365体育 credentials by clicking the button at upper right.
  • Click on Register an Organization. You will need an electronic copy of the group’s logo or other image for the profile picture, constitution, Certificate of Insurance (if applicable), and names and email addresses of at least 5 members. You can add the on-campus advisor along with the roster.
  • Whoever creates the page will become the Primary Contact. This can be changed later.

Click on your profile icon at upper right to access your Event Pass. Save this to your Apple Wallet. Organizations can choose to scan students’ passes to take attendance.

To access your organization’s page, log in to LoperLinks. Your organization’s profile photo/logo should be below the menu on the left-hand side. Click on the photo/logo.

At upper right, you can Message members, Manage Positions (create positions specific to your organization) and Invite people to join the page.

Organization Tools


Brings up your current roster with designated positions. Click on the pencil to the right of each person’s name to assign a position. Pending tab shows who has been invited to join the page. Prospective shows who has requested to join your organization’s page. Terms and Conditions: at some point, we will ask Advisor and President/primary student leader to accept expectations when leading an organization.


Organization Details that you entered when you created the page; Profile Picture; Contact; Social Media. Update button on bottom.


Events that your organization has entered in LoperLinks. To submit an event, click on Events. Create Event. Fill in event title, theme, description, co-hosting organization, time, place.

  • Location: option of adding a map. Some campus rooms will populate when you start to type.
  • Add Another Date. You can add up to 18 dates, so if you have a weekly meeting, you can submit an entire semester at one time.
  • Event visibility: Show to public: anyone can see the event. Students and staff and LoperLinks: only see if they are logged in. Organization Members Only. Invited Users Only.
  • Select event categories and “perks”: free food, free stuff, credit.
  • Additional information: Cost and if event is open to bet36365体育 students, campus, public or members only. These will be visible on the event listing in LoperLinks.
  • RSVP options
  • Post-event feedback: attendees are emailed after the event to give a star rating or respond to a question that you ask.
  • Additional questions: event takes place on campus or off campus, food, is your organization supported by FSL, Protect the Herd, physical activity

NOTE: Putting this event in LoperLinks does NOT replace the normal reservation process. All on-campus space requests still need to be submitted to and approved by Facilities, prior to adding the event to LoperLinks.

Manage event: Once your event is in LoperLinks, go to the event listing, click on Manage Event (upper right). From here, you can change details and cancel event.

Track Attendance: Access code is if you plan to use the Campus Labs Event Check-in app (see below for instructions).

View the event’s QR code: right click to save so you can print, post on screens, etc. Students scan the QR, log in with bet36365体育 credentials, and they’re checked in.

NOTE: QR only tracks users who are in LoperLinks. If you have an event that’s open to the public, check-in app allows you to manually input emails of off-campus attendees. *Tip: Use Qualtrics to create QR code for a large-attendance event (i.e., Lip Sync) that’s open to the public.

Post-event feedback: You can download comments if you included this request when you submitted the event.


Add links to news stories from bet36365体育 News or create your own article.


Add photos and videos of events you have held, to show potential members how active your organization is.


Where your constitution is saved to after you register. You can save additional documents here.


Sign-up, registration, applications, other forms that your organization uses. Click on stacked dots at right to create a form.

  • Form name, active dates. If it’s a form that will be used each year or doesn’t have an expiration date, make Active Until date 40 years from now.
  • Require approval process, set up for advisor, president, committee chair, etc., to review responses
  • Allow submissions from public users
  • Allow multiple submissions
  • Form response fields: Check box list (multiple answers), Radio Button (single answer to multiple choice), Text Field, Drop-down list (single answer), Instructions (description, no answer), Single check box (agree to the above, for example), Ranking (prioritize multiple answers), File Upload (photo, document)

Elections and Service Hours

Hold officer or other elections. Keep track of service hours.

corq app iconCorq App

Apple I Android

Take LoperLinks with you. Download the Corq app for mobile access to LoperLinks events and organizations. Save your individualized Event Pass to Apple Wallet. 

You can’t manage your organization from the app, but you can encourage students to find events and your organization.

event check in app iconEvent Check-in App

Apple I Android

Students can download the Corq app to access and save their individualized Event Pass to Apple Wallet. 

Organizations can use the Campus Labs Event Check-in app to take attendance. Enter the event access code (see Track Attendance section above) to scan participants’ Event Pass.